Texas Kayak Builders Bash -- April 30, 2005
All kayakers are invited to a day of fun centered around home-built
kayaks and canoes at the 2005 Texas Kayak Builders Bash on Saturday,
April 30. This event will be held at Inks Lake State Park, in Burnet
Texas (40 miles northwest of Austin). This is a great opportunity to
learn and discuss kayak building.
The agenda includes:
* Kayak display of home-built boats
* Roll & rescue demonstrations
* A short race
* A kayaking gear 'buy, sell & swap'.
The public is invited, and builders are encouraged to bring their
boats for display. Some boats will be available to try on the lake.
Onsite camping is available at the park.
For more information:
All kayakers are invited to enjoy this lake with us this weekend!
John Caldeira
Dallas, Texas