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I ain't Smithers wrote:
On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, "Harry.Krause" wrote:

Wayne.B wrote:

On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 17:28:54 -0400, "Yes, it's me"

You are trying to have an intellectual conversation with someone who is only
interested in sound bites.


It's against my better judgement to engage in any OT posting but every
once in awhile I'll throw my hat in the ring if suitably inspired.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, I think you need to take a hard look at
your own chosen form of dialog and decide whether you want to be part
of the solution, or part of the problem.

"Smithers" is a main part of the problem.

Note that before he began playing his multiple identity game here
(upwards of 30 different identities, including some theft of
identities), we simply did not have a major problem with that sort of
7th Grade behavior here. Now, we have "Smithers" doing it, we have
Christopher K. Greenhalgh doing it again, and on a larger scale than he
had done previously, we had Tuuk doing it, and we have several others
doing it.

Their goal is the complete destruction of what remains of this newsgroup.

What an asshole you are. Who the **** is Smithers asshole?

Don't you understand I have no respect for you back from the days when you
wer a Bayliner basher, had a feud wih Skipper (who had a lot more brains
than you), to your radical OT political postings?

**** YOU ASSHOLE, over the years you have made many enemies. I am just the
worst one you will ever encounter. I would love to meet you in a back
street. You wouldn't be able to spam this group for 6 months. Getting your
food and water from a tube from what would be left of your nose wouldn't
make typing on a keyboard very easy.

Please understand that the above constitutes a public threat, and quite
possibly harassment. You had best hope he doesn't fall down a flight of
stairs or something, as you would be the prime suspect. As to
harassment, it's up to the court to decide should he chose to pursue the