On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 22:14:14 -0400, Wayne.B
On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 22:03:23 -0400, "Harry.Krause"
"Smithers" is a main part of the problem.
Note that before he began playing his multiple identity game here
(upwards of 30 different identities, including some theft of
identities), we simply did not have a major problem with that sort of
7th Grade behavior here. Now, we have "Smithers" doing it, we have
Christopher K. Greenhalgh doing it again, and on a larger scale than he
had done previously, we had Tuuk doing it, and we have several others
doing it.
Their goal is the complete destruction of what remains of this newsgroup.
Harry, why not try leading by example and stop the political trolls?
All of you guys have way too much time on your hands.
Great point. Let's see if you get a response, Wayne.
John H
"All decisions are the result of binary thinking."