William R. Watt wrote:
You can bolt a vertical tiller to one gunwale with the lines running back
along the same side to the motor. TF Jones describes how to do it in one of
his books in the chapter on narrow powerboats.
Or use a whipstaff (stick pivoted to hog, steering lines half way up the
stick, push the top the way you want to go) N.B. unless you cross the
lines at the transom, the action *will* be opposite to that of the
engine's tiller
We used to use an extension right on the handle of the motor.
Gets in the way a lot and you cant do any tight manouvers easily. I
prefer the improvised twin rope steering. Have operated a rig like that
for about 50 hours while the proper safety boat was U/S (maintenance).
There was negligable slop in the steering and what there was was
easily removed just by pulling the steering bar gently towards you. The
twin cord remote throttle hookup was rather less satisfactory, I'd
reccomend fitting/adapting a proper control for that.
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'Stingo' Albacore #1554 - 15' Early 60's, Uffa Fox designed,
All varnished hot moulded wooden racing dinghy.