Boat grills - Are their any good ones?
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Hi all,
I'm looking for a grill for my boat, and have been actively asking
around for months. Everyone seems to dislike at least a couple of
things about their grills -
1. They are hard to keep lit in the wind
2. The lid isn't hinged (early Magmas)
3. Not big enough
4. They have hot spots and cold spots - doesn't cook evenly
5. Expensive as hell
Does anyone have a grill that doesn't have these problems??
If I could solve 1 through 4, I'd be willing to ignore number 5.
Or, it would also be helpful to many I think to compile a list of
manufacturers, so that a good competitive market could be established.
Magma needs to come down on their prices.
Who else sells quality stainless LPG boat grills?
We have had the same Magma charcoal burning kettle for twenty years. Not
sure if that is a reccomendation but it does the job.
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