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Roger Long wrote:
I just returned in shock (as usual) from the marine store. I need to
install some fenders on our marina dock before the boat arrives. The
little dongle to let me plug a regular extension cord into the 30 amp
socket so I can use my electric drill is SIXTY BUCKS! How come a 50
foot cord with an even larger 30 amp female on the end is only fifty?

Anyway, I just need to use this thing once since the boat will become
the dongle when it gets here.

Is the 30 amp, three prong plug, a marine only item or can I get a
plug of the same kind at Home Depot and just wire it on to an old
extension cord?

I'm a bit surprised its that expansive, but for the future, try this:
keep your eyes open for a used cord, perhaps damaged or too short.
(I have a 25 footer I got used for $20.) Then cut out the middle and
put appropriate male and female 15 Amp connectors on. You'll have
two dongles, and you'll find a use for each sooner or later.