Thread: Cinco de Mayo
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Doug Kanter
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"NOYB" wrote in message

Lest we forget, the US did not win the two major fighting wars it was
involved in after WW II.

Hehehe. Gulf Wars I and II don't "count" in Harry's book (I suppose
because we "won" them).

Are you nuts? That's like bragging after you (meaning you personally) kicked
the crap out of an 8 yr old kid behind a dumpster. Remember the news, on
days 1 & 2 of both wars? "Little or no resistance", at least not until we
reached the cities, where every army on earth is at a disadvantage.

It got out with a "draw" in Korea,

Because we figured it would simply take too long and too much money to
kill 1 billion Chinese.

You think someone didn't know this BEFORE we went into Korea???

In our "Quickie fast-food" world, the American public has grown
unaccustomed to waiting for anything. The longer a conflict drags on, the
quicker we lose patience and leave.

Depending on what date you choose, we were at war in Vietnam for between 8
and 15 years. How long do you think would've been long enough?

You say things like "we got our buts handed to us in Vietnam", yet 1
million Vietcong died compared to our 50,000. If there was any
butt-kicking going on, it was directed against the side that lost 20 times
more men.

The numbers are irrelevant. We did not achieve our stated goals.