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John H
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Default Why Ficht failed no1

On 19 Jan 2004 14:40:20 GMT, (JDavis1277) wrote:

Oz Lady wrote: Quote: snipped I've been waiting for just one
post to say my facts are wrongsnip


If you provided ANY facts they wouldn't be refutable. Facts, dontchaknow, are
true even when taken out of context or incompletely presented.

Alas, you have yet to provide one single FACT in your tirades aqainst Evenrude
outboards. Your CLAIMS are not true and have been well refuted by several
Evinrude users.

You have yet to admit that you have never seen, heard, touched, used, examined,
smelled any FICHT at any time. Yet, to your credit, you've never claimed to
have done those things either. Since you admitedly KNOW absolutely nothing
about FICHTs and have only READ some material on them you have no credibility
on the subject. Furthermore, since you are unwilling to provide any
credentials attesting to any level of expertise on FICHTs (neither user,
repairer, designer, engineer, technician, nor tester) you have no credibility
amongst those who have ANY level of expertise.

It really wouldn't matter what you say if not for the poor newbie who may be
frightened off by your untruths and thus be deprived of another choice.

Your personal attacts toward Bill demonstrate how low you will go. To infer
that Bill is a liar is low indeed.

Seems your only supporter among the regulars here is John; and he seems to
support you out of a wish to be entertained by all this rather than to learn
the truth.


Are you referring to me? If so, let me say that I am neither a
supporter or detractor for Karen's posts, at least in my postings.I
don't support the name-calling, nor do I support the 850 line posts. I
would much prefer she stop both.

As to her comments on Fichts, I have no opinion. I know nothing of the
motor. I learn a little about motors with her posts, and a little more
from the rebuttals to her posts. But note, name-calling tirades such
as those used by Mad Dog Dave, are not rebuttals.

John H

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD
on the beautiful Chesapeake Bay!