Since it's all down hill, why not take advantage of that. You could buy a
tank to put into your jeep that drains from the bottom and attach a hose
long enough to reach the boat (one that's approved for gas of course) and
put some type of valve on it so that you can turn it on and off and use
gravity to pump the fuel down to your boat.
"Arden" wrote in message
I'm looking for some advice on a quick, convenient, safe, and legal way
to get gasoline into my ski boat. I live on the lake and keep my boat
at my dock. From the driveway to the boat is about 170 feet, all
downhill. I know that I could probably buy a gas caddy (i.e. Gas Pal,
Gas Walker, etc.), but the terrain is kind of rugged and I think it
might not be that easy getting the caddy down the hill safely; esp.
considering how heavy it would be when full. Heck, it's hard enough to
walk up the hill without the caddy. I prefer not to pull the boat out
and tow it to the station; that's what I've been doing, but am looking
for a way to save time). Also, I don't think I could install any kind
of large fuel tank here due to homeowners association restrictions. I
should also mention that the boat has a 25 gallon built-in tank. Since
I drive my Jeep by the gas station regularly anyway, it sure would be
nice if I could find a safe way to pump or siphon fuel from it into the
boat. Suggestions?