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John H
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Default Why Ficht failed no1

On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 20:52:29 -0500, Gene Kearns

On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 20:14:52 -0500, John H

On 20 Jan 2004 00:20:36 GMT, (JDavis1277) wrote:

John H,

I like the name Poco Loco and it describes my feelings about boating. I'm a
little crazy about them.

If you'd like a recommendation from me as to where to get the facts on FICHTs I
can suggest no better source than Bill Grannis. Karen is a source.... but not
of factual information on FICHTs, IMO. My opinion is based upon my experience
and that of every other owner I've met. BTW, the Evinrude service guys along
the central coast of the Gulf of Mexico seems to be that FICHTs are super
engines after some teething pains around 1988 or so in a couple of sizes.

Are you sure you simply want to learn from the FICHT discussions?


Thanks Butch. I do enjoy reading Bill's posts. Although, I can't
remember his posting other than in response to Karen's posts. He seems
very knowledgeable, however, and I wish he'd post more often.

Am I sure I simply want to learn from the Ficht discussions? What
would be the point of reading them otherwise? It's for sure I'm not
looking for new and exciting ways to call someone names!

Until people, like Bill, started posting something opposed to Karen's
claims about Fichts, hers was the *only* information about that
engine. Personally, I wouldn't know a Ficht from a Honda without the
name painted on the side. So, talk of aluminum heads, skirted pistons,
heat ranges, etc. provides a learning experience. We aren't all
outboard motor mechanics. My boat has a 5.7L Mercruiser, so I have
very little outboard experience.

Why do you ask?

John H

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD
on the beautiful Chesapeake Bay!


Bill is a great source of information and used to post here very
frequently, until he was inundated with K's verbiage and invective.
But don't trust me, check google... it tells the tale...

Like I told JDavis, I enjoy Bill's posts. I won't Google him up
though. I would hate to see anyone who contributes leave the NG
because of the name-calling/invective of another. It's simply too easy
to disregard those types of posts. In the past month or two, Harry has
probably called me names in a few dozen posts, but he is easy to

As far as learning anything about the Ficht motors, I could care less
which brand is being discussed. I like posts which are informative
about any kind of engine. I will, most assuredly, not by an outboard
based solely on what I read in this group.

My prized possession now is a cap my daughter had made for me as a
Christmas present. It has "Poco Loco" with "Deale, MD" sewn on it.
Probably a little flamboyant for a 21' boat, but what the hey - I like
it! (I've noticed a whole lot of people looking at my cap and then
giving me strange looks, though!)

John H

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD
on the beautiful Chesapeake Bay!