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Steve Cramer
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Rick wrote:

If you look at the map on the site, you will notice that
the Americas are particularly hard hit. I won't speculate why as, as far
as I know, nobody has yet proven a connection between human activity and
the loss of amphibians. Considering the history of same, however, one
might suspect there is a link.

Well, yeah, if you're a paranoid leftist hippy freak who's too stupid
to understand that that amphibians have been around a LONG time and
that any species fluctuation should be considered normal and expected
rather than a clarion call off doom!
Appear to be a lot of stupid paranoid leftist hippy freaks out there.
Amazing how many of them work in the biological science and ecology
fields. Most of the time, when they use the words "population crash"
they're not talking about normal species fluctuation.

Passenger pigeons were around for a long time, too, now they're gone.

Steve Cramer
Athens, GA