His outta have a regulator............perhaps it's KIA
Run the lights and CD player...............
"gudmundur" wrote in message
In article %WTge.1327139$Xk.1146828@pd7tw3no,
I have a 1988 100 HP merc and the battery is being literally cooked to
death. At the end of the season my battery needed at least a litre of
water. The in dash volt meter on the boat reads about 12 1/2 volts with
motor off and 17 volts when cruising. Is there a voltage regulator on
thing and is it an easy to change part?
I just went through the same sort of ordeal with an Evinrude. Mine has a
rectifier, but no regulator. I was seeing higher than expected voltage,
one of the service manuals warns not to use sealed electrolyte batteries,
as they will out gas by excessive boiling, and no water can be added.
Someone here on the group suggested I run with my lights on, and that is
exactly what I do. Your 17 volts is to high indeed, and on a motor the
size of yours, I would expect to find an integrated rectifier/regulator
in one aluminum/epoxy lump bolted to the side of the engine. Time to
buy a spec book for your motor. I finally broke down and bought one for
Well worth the time and money, and I learned a few things about my
motor in the mean time!
Denis Roy
D. Roy Woodcraft