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Dan Krueger
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My Progressive policy has something that reduces my deductible by 25%
each year so after four years it's zero. That might be why they didn't
charge you.


Dave Hall wrote:

I pay Progressive about $130 for a $6,000 agreed value policy on my
boat. This includes a muliple boat discount as I also insure my
jetski. Just a little plug for Progressive. Last year I bought my
first used boat (not counting jetskis or a jon boat) in late August.
It was docked on the Allegheny River in Pittsburgh and the marina was
paid up for the season by the prior owner so I left it docked. Along
came Ivan, a near historic flood, and the marina was destroyed. My
boat was found about 80 or 90 miles downstream (5 lock and dams
downstream) beached where it was unreachable by land and literally
broken in two. Progressive arrainged for a salvager to pull it out,
paid them and paid my agreed upon value (not even charging me the
deductible) with no hassle. I managed to take that boat out one time
during my ownership :-(

The Other Dave Hall