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"Bert Robbins" wrote in message

"JimH" wrote in message

"K. Smith" wrote in message
Cheoy Lee Shipyards North America is proud to annound the completion of
the initial sea trials of the newest model to the Cheoy Lee family, the
95 Sport Motor Yacht. The 95 was designed by Mike Burvenish of M.G.
Burvenich, Inc in Stuart FL and is scheduled to arrive in Ft.
Lauderdale this summer. Construction of the 95SMY incoroporated Cheoy
Lee's proprietary resin infusion technology as well as honeycomb
furniture construction. Both techniques translate into freater strength
with substantially less weight. The boat will be displayed at the Ft
Lauderdale International Boat Show this fall and at the Miami Boat Show
next February. Hull number on eof this new line was recently launched
and successfully sea trialed at the company's facility in Doumen,
China. Accoring to B.Y. Lo of Cheoy Lee Shipyards,
the yacht, which is equpped with C-32 CAT engines, exceeded our
expectations for this initial sea trial and reached speeds in excess of
27 knots"


Wow. 95 feet of yacht barreling along at 27 knots. That would be a
sight to see.

By the way, the first two hulls are already spoken for but there's stil
time to get first deposit in on hull #3. Baseprice is $4,672,500, so
everybody will want one.

And yet another pasted spam advert from the failed used car salesman,
who now chases around the rich hoping to pick up the odd crumb from the
marketing table.

Gee & the good liberal that lectures you about buying locally made
toasters instead of supporting those evil non union foreigners???

How many toasters would fit in a 95 ft boat??? & hey if you imported
them in the boats you'd save freight to evil foreign ship owners???

A sad uneducated joke is our Gould, speaking of sad how about that


So your sad Krause lie for the day is from the "bride" series. Just like
the "father" lies this is sad because it shows how desperate he is to be
noticed & seeing he knows he won't be by his own life as a union
organiser, he tries for glory by made up family "associations".

Needless to say it confirms how totally amoral the lying grub is & what
low respect he has for his family.

Apparently the wife is actually a social worker & certainly an
honourable profession which most would be proud of but no; our non
boating liar mate has to lie.

Over time I'll give you the full "bride" series & you'll be astounded
the BS he's made up, from phony life threads from the NG to "her"
business owning a business jet:-) (the jet is actually owned by his
union organisation & paid for by honest hard working unionists, the same
unionists that have been made unemployed by the unions)

Enough!!! so here's the lie;

Did you spend a year as a line psychotherapist at a 650-bed state
hospital for forensic patients?
Did you spend a year as senior psychotherapist at a county
facility for
substance abusers?
Did you spend two years as chief of therapy at a private, 200-bed
facility for the mentally and emotionally ill, at which
half the patients were trying to beat drugs or alcohol?
Are you currently chief of therapy for a for a multi-practitioner
practice of some 825 patients, about a third of which are
seeking help for substance abuse problems?

I betcha that Chuckie soon threatens to once again take his ball and bat
and run home to Mommy.

I bet it happens later this evening.

He has done so quite recently when called on the carpet and has done so
other 3 times to my recollection, each time returning with a "Who Me?"

The days of Chuck and Harry pontificating to the group are over and they
are both very unhappy about it.

Pretty funny.


Actually pretty sad.


Actually it was only a few weeks ago that Chuckie said he was taking his
ball and bat and running home to Mommy. This was after numerous attacks on
him that showed he was wrong.

He returned with his tail between his legs with the explanation of "Who,
What, When , Never happened,,Who"

This is indeed hilarious to see it happened once again.

Time to once again run home to Mommy Chuckie?