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K. Smith
Posts: n/a

Hello, Karen

Glad to see you're alive and well.

There has been so much Krause bashing here of late, and not a word from
you, I thought you might have drowned or something.

For the humor impaired, "Workin' Man's Yacht" titling this thread
should give you a clear idea that I'm being sarcastic. Surely you can
appreciate sarcasm, right?

But goodie, goodie. I've been saving up a number of boat reviews until
somebody who really enjoys reading them showed up- and here you are.
Now that you're back, I'll post several between now and Monday. Enjoy.

No but I do read the group daily & have to say it's been as funny as.

As for you & your spam?? well I can't stop you I can point 0out how
inexperienced you are to accept then repeat here some of the marketing
lies you're fed or if not then you're just another marketing BS'ter;
take you pick:-)

Imagine anyone actually buying anything on your sayso?? what a disaster
that would be.


So your sad Krause lie for the day is from the "bride" series. Just
like the "father" lies this is sad because it shows how desperate he is
to be noticed & seeing he knows he won't be by his own life as a union
organiser, he tries for glory by made up family "associations".

Needless to say it confirms how totally amoral the lying grub is &
what low respect he has for his family.

Apparently the wife is actually a social worker & certainly an
honourable profession which most would be proud of but no; our non
boating liar mate has to lie.

Over time I'll give you the full "bride" series & you'll be
astounded the BS he's made up, from phony life threads from the NG to
"her" business owning a business jet:-) (the jet is actually owned by
his union organisation & paid for by honest hard working unionists, the
same unionists that have been made unemployed by the unions)

Enough!!! so here's the lie;

Did you spend a year as a line psychotherapist at a 650-bed state
hospital for forensic patients?
Did you spend a year as senior psychotherapist at a county
facility for
substance abusers?
Did you spend two years as chief of therapy at a private, 200-bed
facility for the mentally and emotionally ill, at which
half the patients were trying to beat drugs or alcohol?
Are you currently chief of therapy for a for a multi-practitioner
practice of some 825 patients, about a third of which are
seeking help for substance abuse problems?