Larry D Gibbs wrote:
When fishing in an area/spot do you let your engine idle or do you turn it
off until you are ready to move to another location. I fish on Puget Sound
usually south of the Narrows Bridge. I am relatively new to boating and was
just looking for information.
Most people shut their engines down, but always keep an eye on your
If there's a tidal flow or heavy traffic or worse ship traffic you
should be ready to move PDQ & if you're as manic as my people are then
when you chase fish nothing else matters, gets even more scary when
they're landing one:-)
So your sad Krause lie for the day is from the "bride" series. Just
like the "father" lies this is sad because it shows how desperate he is
to be noticed & seeing he knows he won't be by his own life as a union
organiser, he tries for glory by made up family "associations".
Needless to say it confirms how totally amoral the lying grub is &
what low respect he has for his family.
Apparently the wife is actually a social worker & certainly an
honourable profession which most would be proud of but no; our non
boating liar mate has to lie.
Over time I'll give you the full "bride" series & you'll be
astounded the BS he's made up, from phony life threads from the NG to
"her" business owning a business jet:-) (the jet is actually owned by
his union organisation & paid for by honest hard working unionists, the
same unionists that have been made unemployed by the unions)
Enough!!! so here's the lie;
Did you spend a year as a line psychotherapist at a 650-bed state
hospital for forensic patients?
Did you spend a year as senior psychotherapist at a county
facility for
substance abusers?
Did you spend two years as chief of therapy at a private, 200-bed
facility for the mentally and emotionally ill, at which
half the patients were trying to beat drugs or alcohol?
Are you currently chief of therapy for a for a multi-practitioner
practice of some 825 patients, about a third of which are
seeking help for substance abuse problems?