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Reuben Rothstein wrote:
You can get a simple adapter on e/Bay
or get an inverter

On 26 May 2005 02:35:03 -0700, "Arnold"

I've built my own comverter, but this was easyer.

My batteries are said to be 12V, in real-life this is somewhere in the
My laptop uses 15V, 4A, but the laptop-battaries are 10.8V
so, the input of the laptop should be somewhere between 15 and 10.8 V.

a direct link from the boat-batteries could be made, and for security I
added a fuse, diode (such a thing to let te power flow in one
direction), and a thing to catch any peak voltages (we call it a

this works well now for 2 years, third coming up. (laptop-batteries
should be removed, couse they are slowly getting empty)
the laptops it works with for me are a Toshiba 1800-100, toshiba
2140CDT and a real old IBM XXX. the IBM asked 18 volts too

You might consider the risk of voltage drops when cranking the engine if
you have removed your laptop batteries, which otherwise can protect you
against that. This device handles such problems nicely, at a price of