I am a former service manager turned salesman at a large
dealership in Arkansas. There are sooooo many products out there it's
hard to give good advice without knowing what, in particular you need
to clean.
For general washing a mild detergent like dishwashing liquid or any
good carwash solution is fine. For vinyl there are special cleaners and
protectants. My favs are McGuires products available at most marine
dealers. Do Not use any Armor All on your vinyl! Believe it or not that
stuff sucks the very life out of your seats! It only works if you apply
it regulary and forever! For tough mildew stains on seats, especially
after being covered all winter, I've found about the best is Tilex you
can get at any grocery store or WalMart. It has bleach in it but will
not discolor your carpet. Whew! See, I told you this could get long!
Anyway, I like McGuires stuff for exterior too. Oxidation is pretty
easily removed with their Color Restorer, it has a very mild abrasive
that brings the original color back out. And then there are polishes
for shine and waxes for protection. Their Quick Wax is pretty handy,
just spray on and wipe it down. Holler if you'd like to know about
anything else specific! Lake Rat