"Bill" wrote in
What is the general feeling on these dinks, and which brand do you
like, if you like them at all.
OK if you always wear foul weather gear or your swimsuit as you're gonna
get WET.
Before you buy any of them, I want you to take a ride in a Fold-A-Bote,
either the 10' or 12' model. Note how 5hp planes it, easily. Note how DRY
all the groceries are when you get to the boat, too! Even in a fairly good
chop, the boat rides dry.
To get it aboard Lionheart, simply hook a mainmast line to the bow of it
and haul it up the mast over the lifelines with a winch. Now suspended on
the line VERTICALLY, ease it to the deck on its stern with the line holding
it vertically. This makes disassembly very easy and painless for stowing
it. Once disassembled, push the sides together to fold it flat, lift it
with the line off the deck, again, and swing the stern of it aft as the
line eases the bow down to the deck. It's only about 4-5 inches wide
folded flat!
It folds really FLAT. If you tie it off to the lifelines up forward, keel
down, it's out of the way, under the top of the lifelines as it's shorter
and it will bend itself to conform to the curve of the lifelines.
No pumping, no leaking, no patching. It has a real transom to put the
motor on. It's also sink proof as the seats are all floatation for it.
Full of water it won't sink.
Great fun zipping around in a PLANING HULL at a strange port.......great
for fishing from, you can cartop it easily as it weighs little, too!
The company compares them a little slanted...(c;