Self-built Wind Vane
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On Sun, 12 Jun 2005 15:26:23 GMT,
(Mic) wrote:
"Commentary on design " 20-20 "
Notes were added as alternate ways developed.
I call this design "the "20-20" because I thought the
average sailor could build it in twenty hours, for about $20, and it
would weigh in at about twenty pounds. It looks more complicated than
it really is. The dimensions are not critical and the materials
specified are only suggestions.
As of May 2001 I was forced to admit this was not the
case from feed back of several builders.
Based on this feed back. $30.00 US is
possible but the man hours are higher by most reports.
However even at 40 hours it is not a big project.
The skills required are not much greater than those needed to
build a birdhouse. No welding or machine shop work will be needed and
if necessary it could be built with hand tools. "
Note although I posts a link for this in May of this year,
Walt has updated the link on June 05 with a new model.
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