In article 1118660401.4b8c540406d0fb9a1c3627612a1972d7@teran ews,
Your name wrote:
I install 3-4 SSB's a year and check them with my Bird wattmeter. I
also use a shortwave reciever to see if I'm actually on the air. I used
to call WOM or WOO (I'm in N.J.) for a radio check, but I think they've
been off the air for years. Is there any station out there that would
accept an occasional radio check on a new installation? I try 4149 and
some other channels but often with no luck.
You can call USCG on 4125.0 Khz, and they "should" answer, or you could
find another Radio Shop, down the coast a ways, that has a HF Private
Coast Station License that would swap checks with you. Maybe on a
good propagation day you could get a Radio Check from one of the European
Coast Stations on one of the higher HF Frequencies, or maybe find one of
the Caribbiean Coast Stations. HF SSB is really a dieing breed, these
days, and most commercial guys have long switched to Imarsat or one of
the Private Sat based Networks, for long haul High Seas Comms. Up here
in the North Pacific, we have NOJ, and the Canadians out of Comox, BC.
and the NOAA/NWS HF sites that are on twice daily with Wx Input, and
Forecasts, from three different sites. We also have a pile of Private
Coast Stations that provide comms for the fishing fleet, and coastal
Bruce in alaska who has run a 1Kw HF Private Coast Station...
for 40 years....
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