Just How Safe Do You Feel?
"jps" wrote in message
Blacks and whites consume drugs in equal amount per capita.
Blacks comprise six times the number of people in prison than whites.
What possible conclusion could you draw other than unequal treatment?
jps, now that you have had time to think about what you wrote here, do you
realize how illogical what you wrote is? It makes as much sense as saying.
"Fish and turtles swim in water.
Bear's and birds **** in the woods. , but whenever people talk about
animals defecating in the woods they always talk about the bears.
The only possible conclusion that anyone can draw from this is if given a
choice, most people would prefer to be **** upon by a bear than a bird.
While I have no idea if your facts are correct, it really does not matter,
you take two completely unrelated facts, and then try to draw some
conclusion from them.
I agree that the legal representation that any poor person receives is
considerably below what someone receives who can afford an excellent
attorney. I would also agree that the quality of legal rep. effects the
outcome and the sentence given to the client. The facts you present did not
do anything to prove your point, or to convince anyone that you are doing
anything but spewing forth your preconceived notions.
The reasons your analysis is faulty, include but is not limited to: Are the
people in prison, sent to prison for using drugs or for selling drugs? Are
black and whites equally represent in trafficking of drugs? Is there a
difference in sentences from people selling drugs based upon race in which
both clients used the same attorney? If a black using a qualified attorney,
is his sentence similar to a white person who commits the same crime who
uses a similarly qualified attorney? What percent of people are in prison
for drugs and drug related charges and what percent are in for other crimes?
Statements like the one you made is the reason you will always be viewed as
an idiot by both Conservatives and Liberals. You and Rush Limbaugh are on
equal footing as far as spouting off BS and then making illogical
conclusions, without any facts or info to back up your claims.