OK, Gene. You've had your own machine shop, so you have the skills to
machine and assemble the parts. Go hire some R&D engineers, some marketing
people, and some procurement individuals that'll obtain the special alloys,
bearings, seals, and plastics you'll need, and build me a 225 hp four-stroke
(no patent infringements! Better hire a patent attorney!) that costs less
than $21,000. Oh yeah...and you have to pay yourself a salary too.
Afterall, the managers at Yamaha aren't working for free.
Your posts are beginning to border on the edge of absurdity.
P.S.--Better arrange for a BIG line of credit, 'cause you'll need it.
"Gene Kearns" wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 00:09:18 GMT, "NOYB" wrote:
"Gene Kearns" wrote in message
.. .
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 17:49:11 GMT, "NOYB" wrote:
"Gene Kearns" wrote in message
.. .
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 19:50:49 GMT, "NOYB" wrote:
Sure they are. So to get the most bang for your buck, you
take advantage of a company's "dumping" practices and buy their
outboard...like you did with the Suzuki's. They're terrific
would be priced closer to Merc and Yamaha if Suzuki wasn't trying
market share via dumping.
Explain to me again how (1) outboards are overpriced and (2) Suzuki
"dumping" them for what they ought to sell for anyway.....
My brother bought a Suzuki 140 for 3 grand less than a comparable
Is it possible that the Suzuki was $1500 below reasonable market
the Yamaha was $1500 too expensive?
And *I'm* the "binary thinker"?
No, you just aren't thinking. Anybody that thinks $21,000 for a gear
case and a six cylinder engine makes sense needs help.
Anybody that doesn't understand the principal of economies of scale needs
Again, you are adrift in a sea of contradiction. Well, we can take
this one several ways....
Assuming this is about "economy of scale" maybe that is why my
Suzuki's cost about half of what Yamahas cost... they are made from
automobile parts.....
Honda did the same thing, but their engines are priced close to
Yamaha. It seems to be widely accepted here that Yamaha sells more
engines than anybody... so they should be cheaper than Suzuki. From
what I can tell, Suzuki sells for about the same amount (adjusted for
currency) worldwide. So much for "economy of scale."
Again, it shouldn't take a brain surgeon (or a dentist) to understand
that no six cylinder engine coupled with any sort of normal gearbox
should sell for $21,000.00. I've worked in Machine Shops and Foundries
all of my life.... ran my own machine shop for 22 years.... and I can
assure you.. quantity or no, none of the materials, processes, or
assemblies justify what is being asked by the manufacturers. Pure and
simple..... it is considered a luxury item and is priced as such...
especially in this country.
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