NWSC (Lecture Room) 8.00PM — 9.30PMŒ.
As the central theme of LTPD is ”Athlete CentredŒCoach steered•, all Racing
and other Coaches are invited to attend and take part in an open discussion
on the future of our sport.
With the Long Term Paddler Development model now formally adopted by all
strands of the BCU, it is time for our Coaches to take the lead in the
structuring of our sport, and work to ensure that we are doing the best for
our athletes and the sport.
We are asking for you to come and share you and your club‘s views on issues
such as:
How the LTPD philosophy impacts on our system
Elitism v inclusion
Selection and competition
Crew boat racing
Development of women paddlers
Clubs and Programmes working together.
Talent ID Projects
This meeting will be chaired by Graham Lyon, Chair of English Coaching.
A short presentation will open the meeting and will outline some issues for
For those coaches who will be dying of hunger after a day‘s racing, we can
set up a communal order to Pizza Hut!!
Further information from:
National Development Coach for Fla****er: Graham Campbell
07768 512934