NWSC (Lecture Room) 8.00PM — 9.30PMŒ.
snipped outline agenda
Further information from:
National Development Coach for Fla****er: Graham Campbell
07768 512934
Oh dear!
No sooner than I had despatched the details of the meeting to this group,
when a telephone call from 'a friend' in high places (OK, the Ivory Towers
place in Nottingham) now leads me to believe that the meeting has got to be
cancelled, by order of the Win Commander (Performance Dictator, himself).
When will they ever learn?
I understood that the meeting had already been sanctioned by the Racing
Committee, so what the hell has it got to do with the Sports Council (whom
Anderson the Dictator works for)?
What an appalling removal of civil liberties, right to free speech, freedom
of expression and all those other things enshrined in our culture. Remember
the committees? They are bodies supposedly elected by /us/ to represent our
Now, all those doubters out there can be convinced that your democratic
rights that were once enshrined in the constitutions are not worth a jot.
I say the meeting should go ahead - with a few other items on the agenda now
that everyone can see the pervasive, sinister, protectionist regime that now
dictates the future of our sport.
As I recall, David Train did write: "...this meeting...if it goes ahead...^
what an astute visionary he is! If he were President instead of the Clown
Prince Albert, he would have stepped in to ensure democratic principles
prevail. But the clown won't, will he? Because he is in their pockets, too.
That's (one reason) why he shouldn't be Prez.
When will they ever learn?
Allan Bennett
Not a fan of told you so