"Frederick Burroughs" wrote in message
donquijote1954 wrote:
Darwin proposed the "survival of the fittest." I think he also proposed
"size matters," though this may have been proposed by his wife. And
both laws fit our roads and waterways quite well. 
Niche is as important, or more so than competition. While the bass
boaters are restricted to a two or three mile stretch of river behind
a dam, paddlers have a couple hundred miles of quiet, remotely
beautiful and largely unspoiled river.
But, that short stretch of river frequented by the bass fishermen is
an economic engine for the state, with boat registration, fishing
permits and fishing guide businesses.
Let the muthaboaters have their piers and concrete ramps. Paddlers are
happy to have a dirt or graveled pull-off from any state road that
runs near the water. There is little that can rival the beauty of
silently gliding on a waterway unassaulted by the hand and removed
from the noise of man. In fog-shrouded morning or gold and red-hued
evening, these quiet places become transcendent.
A canoe or kayak is the best time machine invented. It takes you into
the distant past (or far future, beyond the reign of man). It is not a
question of survival of the fittest. It becomes an appreciation of
aesthetics, an exercise of our brain's highest functions. No longer
anchored by primitive survival requirements, we progress into levels
of metaphysical beauty. We flow on currents of expanded consciousness.
Have you ever considered strapping a tank to your back and checking out what
the surface of the water looks like from the other side? You might be
amazed. I've got limited kayaking experience, but I'd much rather swim with
the fishes.