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Smithers wrote:

In the two web sites your provided I learned that Sea Ray use robots to

spray chopped strand fiberglass into the molds. I could not find on
of the web sites you provided anything that came close to resembling a
technical layout schedule. I did not see anything that discussed the
thickness of the gel coat or the thickness of chopped fiberglass
including minimum and maximum thickness between the high stress areas
the low stress areas. I did not see anything that discuss how much
they allow for the gel coat to cure or the fiberglass to cure between
step. I did not see anything that discussed the ratio of fiberglass to

epoxy nor the relative strength characteristics of this cost saving
technique versus the traditional methods of laying fiberglass hulls. I
see two web sites selling the benefits of their products, without
the technical layout schedule.


Yet you claim sufficient knowledge to be able to dismiss both Larry's
malicious slam and the general description of the layup process on the
non- Sea Ray site as equally misleading. Once you got past the false
notion that I was using one of my own articles to support my argument,
you then claimed the truth is "somewhere in between."

Once again, why not allow the group the benefit of your detailed and
precise knowledge about Sea Ray layup? Just exactly *where*, in
between, does the "truth" fall? Surely you must know, or you wouldn't
presume to make such a statement.

It's amazing that you choose to believe that a company responsible for
supplying robotics to Sea Ray wouldn't be able to accurately describe
how those robots function and what they do.
Oh well. You're entitled to your opinion and conjecture.