Thread: PING: JimH
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*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
That is why I have not responded to Kevin's question.

You haven't responded because you aren't man enough. You don't want
know the truth, because you know that you are wrong. You are acting
like a little child. You must be sure that I'm Kevin, or else you
wouldn't be calling me him, correct? Well, sadly you are wrong, and
think you KNOW you're wrong, or else you'd say, sure, I'll apologize
you aren't Kevin. But, alas, like I said before, you aren't ANYWHERE
NEAR A MAN. Grow up.

Whatever you say Kevin.

You see, you little asswipe, you WRONGLY insist on calling me Kevin. It
would seem that, because of your ignorant stance on calling me him,
that you could at least be half of a man and apologize when you find
out I'm not him. It would be such a big deal, but you are such an
ignorant little twit that you WRONGLY INSIST on calling me Kevin, and
are too dumb to know that I'm not him. Get it, you brain dead little
**** stain? Grow up.

Whatever you say Kevin.

See, you ignorant little twit? If you're man enough to call me Kevin,
be ****ing man enough to apologize when you're shown to be wrong!!!
That's all. Are you such a childish little ****ing boy that you have to
resort to idiocy in every single post you make? Oh, unless it's your
two masters Fritz and JohnH. You really should quit, you act like
you're their private little **** boy. Grow up.

Whatever you say Kevin.

My god you are stupid. And I mean it, I've given you a lot of slack,
but, after telling you and telling you, it still doesn't get through to
your ignorant mind. Try this, MAYBE you'll realize where you are wrong.
Take a good, long hard look, Jim, this will take a couple of minutes of
concentration, and I know you're dumb, but try. Take all of the ****
that you THINK you know about me. Now, for someone to come to a
conclusion like you have, you'd have to have at least ONE PIECE of
DEFINITIVE evidence, would you not? What IS that? Hmm, what you don't
HAVE it? All you have it what your suck buddies have told you, and
speculation.....well, you ignoramus, that's your answer!!!!