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Shortwave Sportfishing
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On Mon, 27 Jun 2005 10:17:07 -0400, DSK wrote:

Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
Traffic Separation Schemes - usually purple lines though, I'll grant
you. :)


Traffic seperation schemes have the same legal force as ColRegs, but
they are usually for approaching busy ports, or transiting waters thick
with commercial traffic (like say, the English Channel fr'instance). In
a narrow inland channel, no such anny-mull.

Nope - had this discussion once already years ago. Rule 3 specifies
the following: 3(o) "Inland Waters" means the navigable waters of the
United States shoreward of the navigational demarcation lines dividing
the high seas from harbors, rivers and other inland waters of the
United States and the waters of the Great Lakes on the United States
side of the International Boundary." 3(p) "Inland Rules" or "Rules"
mean the Inland Navigational Rules and annexes thereto which govern
the conduct of vessels and specify the lights/shapes/sound signals
that apply on Inland Waters..."

In short, any river, stream or tributary inland of the Demarcation
Line that can be transited by any vessel of any size or shape is
considered to be "inland", bound by the Rules and under the
jurisdiction of the USCG.

Which, oddly enough, brings up Rule 9 which governs Narrow Channels.

And so forth.

Now, ask me how I know this - you will be amazed.

It souonds to me as though one or possibly both boats were operating at
an unsafe speed. It also sounds as though several people have no clue
whatever what the actual rules are. I strongly suggest buying... and
*reading* it... although flipping thru it casually looking at the
pictures is better than nothing.

Yeah - but I like the little pictures of lights and stuff. :)

Me too.

It's a common misconception that boats have to stay on "their" side of
the channel. It's also a common misconception that other boats can't
"turn in front of" you. I guess people think driving a boat is like
driving a car.

It ain't.

Oh so true. And try to get some of these clowns to understand the
Right-of-Way rules is - well, it's like pounding your head into a wall
again and again and again.... :)