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"Traffic separation schemes have the same legal force as ColRegs, but
they are usually for approaching busy ports, or transiting waters
thick with commercial traffic (like say, the English Channel
fr'instance). In a narrow inland channel, no such anny-mull."

Ah, I see. I should have repeated the phrase "Traffic Seperation" just
to make sure that it was clear I meant that, not ColRegs.

There are ColRegs for everywhere.

Is Inland Rule 9 the same as a Traffic Seperation Plan, such as you find
in the approaches to major ports like New York, Norfolk, etc etc?


Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
Yes it is. You are required, as much as is possible, to stay to the
starboard side of the channel either upbound or downbound. Paragraph
9 (a) (i) first sentence. That is separation of traffic anyway you
cut it.

It may be "seperation of traffic" but it's not a Traffic Seperation
Plan, nor does it designate lanes. Look at a chart of Boston Harbor
approaches some time, you might find it interesting... there are very
definite lanes marked on the chart, and there is a designated Traffic
Seperation Plan which is called that by name (so as to distinguish it
from other things) and which has the force of ColRegs. And yes, the
harbor master and the USCG will give tickets for vessels who violate it.

For that matter, you can cruise in the middle of an narrow channel,
but you still have to stay to the right when you have oncoming

That in no way forbids a boat from going to the left side of the
channel, nor does it obligate *all* vessels to *always* pass port-to-port.

There seems to be an idea among many boaters that the rules of the road
forbid another boat from being in their way, from inducing them to turn
or (God forbid!) to slow down. That ain't the case *at all*.

In the case mentioned by the original poster, a tourist boat coming over
to the left side of the channel to watch wildlife, is totally kosher
*if* the maneuver presented no imminent danger of collision.

Since the original poster did not mention such things as slamming into
reverse, putting the helm hard over, and narrowly avoiding collisions, I
assumed that none of these things took place and that he was upset
because another boat was on what he thought was 'his side.' Hence my
statement that the water doesn't have little yellow lines on it like a road.


At least one does, or did. Can't deny that.
Most don't though.


Also true, unfortunately. But are they doing it well? Facts on the
ground suggest not

There, that should get things back on track.

If only it were that easy!