1980ish merc 115 problem
I've been reading alot of old posts in this newsgroup about this
engine, so i figure some people around here might be able to help me
getting it running a little better. I recently just acquired a 1980 (i
think) merc 115 straight 6, that has been sitting for a couple years
after most likely running in somewhat salty water. After tinkering with
it for a week or so i've got it running at least, but i'm not all that
engine savvy so bear with me if i slip up a little bit on the
terminology or something.
As of now, i've got the engine starting fairly well, and i can even
pretty much always put it in gear with out it dying on me. It sounds
great to me while its idling, but it doesn't seem to want to put out
enough power to get up out of the water at all when its in gear.
Everyonce and a while something will work out and it'll get going
great, but mostly its just not quite doing it.
I've put in all new spark plugs, ran carb cleaner through the carbs.
replaced all the gaslines, and have been running from an external fuel
tank to avoid problems with bad gas. Also i've taken off the bowls in
the top and middle carburetors and they seemed to be clean, but i was
having a little trouble getting the third one off so i didn't check
that one yet.
I think the problem right now is somewhere in the bottom carburetor, as
when i'm running if i spray carb cleaner through the top two the engine
dies, but while spraying through the bottom one it takes off. But i'm
not sure exactly what to adjust to solve this problem i suppose its
running to lean, but i'm a still a bit ignorant of the proper
Also, unfortunately the tach seems to be busted, so i don't have any
information about rpms to help out.
As i said i'm a little new to the whole engine thing, but i'd rather
not just take it to a mechanic due to limited funding, and i'd kind of
like to know how to fix it myself if i'm going to own it anyways. I
think that is about all the relevant information that i have gathered
so far. If anyone can help me out with any suggestions i'd really
appreciate it.
thanks in advance,