Information on Generators & Voltage Regulators
Our old boat (1958 Chris Craft) has a generator and voltage regulator. We
to have problems with this system charging. We've had the generator rebuilt
and we
bought a new voltage regulator. It charged fine for a while. Then it didn't.
Sometimes it
does again.
I know. I know: Get an alternator. OK, I'm seriously considering this
option. I'm looking
into what we can get that fits on our engine well (mounting holes, etc.)
BUT, I'd also like to know more about generators, how they work, how I can
test it
and the Voltage Regulator to isolate where the problem is. I've googled in
the past and
not found much.
Anyone know of good sites, books, or have the time to email with me about
how these
things work and how I can diagnose problems with them??