Your message is an attempt to generate commercial traffic for your website.
This violates the charter of this newsgroup, just as Larry correctly reported.
If everyone did this, the newsgroup would become a mess of commercial posts, and
as such not interesting for its primary purpose which is _individuals_ discussing
boats and cruising. Most of the individuals would stop monitoring the group.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't realize that your post would
generate this reaction, here is a suggestion:
Come participate in our newsgroup (after all it belongs to everyone). I'm sure that
if you are in the yachting business you have good experiences that may be useful to
everyone. You may be able to offer suggestions, or answer questions and generally be
a helpful contributor to the newsgroup. You can always leave your websites and slogan
in your signature, and people will generally not find that objectionable as long as
your post is not just for commercial purposes.
What most people find objectionable is just posting a commercial message, and not
otherwise participating in the newsgroup.
Don W.
linuxsalute wrote:
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We're Yachting Royale International."