OT--Not again! More Chinese money buying our politicians.
John H wrote:
I don't believe that everything Bush does/has done is good.
Really? I read more of your posts that NOBBY's, Dave Hall, and the rest
of the BushCo cheerleading squad because your posts usually indicate
some intelligence and awareness of reality outside of right-wing talk
radio. You are often very reasonable, but then I made that comment
because you seem to have a BIG set of blinders on. What has Bush done
that you mildly disapprove of?
I saw a great quote the other day that explains the whole thing rather
"The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the
simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry."
- Richard Dawkins
But, I can see where you might get the idea if you spend enough time
listening to Harry and jps.
I don't read any of Harry's posts and about half of JPS's, so you've got
the wrong idea here.
Doug King