Hey Capt, that's not true about metal boats. Well some days it is when the
fish are real spooky. But many times noise attracts fish, especially white
perch. Many years ago I watched people beating the crap out of the water. I
thought they were just mad because they couldn't get a bite. Later I found
out they were "calling" white perch, and it works.
Chesapeake, Va
"Capt. Frank Hopkins" wrote in message
Hi Chris,
Tracker makes a basic entry level boat. Even its top of the line Tahoe's
are considered entry level among serious boaters.
I am not saying they are bad boats, but soon, you will want to upgrade
to a better bass boat. The only thing I have againsn't them is metal
hulls. They are noisy and scare off the fish. Sort of like shaking a tin
can full of marbles underwater. However, if you want a boat to just "get
out there" once in a while, A tracker may be for you. One thing is
certain. The base package with the 25 is grossly under powered. You
should consider the 40hp upgrade.
If you should desire to trade in the boat in a few years, I am afraid it
will have lost value very fast. Trackers are like that. Consult your
financial institution for "black book" price figures on 1,2, and 3 year
old models.
You may want to visit the February boat shows and compare other boats.
Often manufacturers have a lot of "incentive" money or rebates at the
shows, which make a new fiberglass boat attractive.
If you like bass boats, you will also like "shoal" type boats. The
amenities are the same, but the boats are built tougher.
Make sure you get a galvanized trailer. A painted trailer is ok for a
few years but rusts out after being dipped in water. Especially salt
Make sure you attend a USCG safe boating class! The life you save may be
your own.
Capt Frank Hopkins
Chris wrote:
I'm new to the boating world and want to know ifsomebody could help me
out with some questions? In the future I will be buying a bass boat,
I'm looking at either getting a Tracker Pro Team 165 or a Tracker
Super Guide V-14 C. I will be fishing mostly small lakes and rivers in
Northeastern PA. What are the differences between the two style of
boats, in your opinion which is the better boat to go with, or is
there a better boat for around the same price? I would like to keep
the boat size 14' to 16'.
Thanks in advance,