OT Bush hatred
"NOYB" wrote in message
As hard as it might be to believe that there's a senator with a more
anti-small business agenda than Kerry, Kennedy is even worse. He
against NFIB-supported legislation 92% of the time in the 106th
and 75% of the time in the 107th.
Any idea why he voted against such legislation? Or are you just quoting
stuff you found on the web, without knowing the background?
I get an NFIB newsletter that discusses the Congressional issues that
small businesses. In that newsletter is a synopsis about each issue, and
member survey that asks you to vote your opinion on each issue. The
from all of the small business surveys that are returned are tabulated,
NFIB lobbies Congress for legislation that would most help small business.
The NFIB then posts a follow-up newsletter that reports how each member of
Congress voted on each issue. Kerry and Kennedy voted *AGAINST* the NFIB
positions more than 3/4's of the time...placing them near the top of the
list of anti-small business members of Congress.
Be like a good journalist. A good news article always begins with a
paragraph which nicely summarizes the rest of the story so the reader can
decide whether he wants to continue. What sorts of things did he vote