Bush didn't give N. Korea $4 billion in aid in exchange for an empty
Got any proof it was just an "empty promise"?
NOYB wrote:
How do you know the promise was good?
Because they did not build nukes during that period, and did not have
any nukes when George Bush Jr came into office... otherwise, why would
they bother to start up their enrichment plant and start building them then?
.... Bush announces that he's going to
push for inspections, and Voila! N. Korea claims they have nukes and plan
on reconstituting there nuclear program.
Umm, no. They didn't "claim to have nukes," they pulled some fuel from a
depot (verified by satellite) and started an enrichment program
(verified by satellite) and said they were starting to build some nukes.
.. Sounds like a case of the hand
caught in the cookie jar.
No, it sounds like you have no clue what's involved in building a
nuclear fission device, and are willing to distort the facts (and lie
too) to try and "prove" your point.