I knew going in that the transom was "soft". With the motor tilted up and
pushing down on the skeg I saw a little flex in the transom. Didn't really
notice any when we ran it on the lake but I thought it might need repair.
This Wellcraft still had 3/4" or more of fiberglass, even without the wood.
The (used to be) wood was in 3 sections, center, left, & right. That
obviously offered almost no strength to resist bowing. I decided to replace
with a polyester resin w/filler consisting of calcium silicate, 1/2" glass
fibers and a foaming agent which gives the final density equal to oak (and
will not flex and will not ever rot). The stringers were gone too but when
I called Wellcraft they told me it wasn't a concern--the wood was basically
just a template for the fiberglass. I cut out the top and removed most of
the "wood" with a w/d vac.
This is an incredibly strong and rigid boat. On most boats I've looked at
the hull will flex with hand pressure all down the sides. Although heavy,
this extra glass and weight gives a smoother ride in the chop.
If you get into this and need help, email me and I can go into detail and
send you some pics.
"HotRod" wrote in message
WHY did you end up pouring fibreglass resin into the transom?
"LD" wrote in message
I have a '78 V-20 Steplift and am very happy with it. Although I had to
out and pour fiberglass mix in the transom, the floor is still good,
good (an inch thick on the sides near the transom where I installed a
fitting). The wood under the floor and the transom would probably be
biggest concerns. Walk all over the floor pounding with your heels to
"HotRod" wrote in message
For some reason I really like the look of these boats I've looked at
of them now in the 1979 area they are all 25' boats with twin 260 hp
engines, condition is different between all of the boats I've seen. I'm
currently looking at one located in Florida that is in MINT condition
needs a few of the new parts installed to completed. I'm looking for
or information on these boats does anyone have comments or reviews that
can look at?
1) Both engines have been rebuilt
2) Interior is 100% new
3) Hull is in great shape.