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Scooby Doo wrote:

sherwindu wrote in

2. The international community has determined that those "citizens"
are living in occupied territory illegally. Even Ariel Sharon has
acknowledged as much, even though as others here have pointed out,
the Gaza "withdrawal" (if and when it actually happens" creates a
prison for the Pal's more than a country.

Unfortunately the
'couple' of nuts you mentioned is the pervasive mentality of the

Proof? Didn't think so.

Hey, I spent 5 years of my life living in that region.

Nice to know that Hagallah is still recruiting. Or are you Irgun?

This shows how ignorant you are of the other side of this history.
It is Haganah, not Hagallah. I bet you never read a book about
the history of Israel by a non-arab.

For many years, their goal was to kill all Jews or
push them into the Mediterranean.

Living under illegal military occupation for 38 years will do that to
ya, ya know?

The Palestinians have had that goal even before Israel occupied the
territories. Nothing has changed.

Ah, perhaps you refer to UN Plan 184, which created an Israel HALF its
current size. The Israelis agreed to 184, then seized the other half of

Let's get the record clear. Your use of 'seized' implies taken without cause.
Don't forget, those territories were taken in a war where Israel's surrounding
neighbors tried to annihalate them.

The death toll for Palestinian CHILDREN is FOUR TIMES that of

Much of that is because the terrorists use children as human

Proof? Didn't think so.

When you see news coverage of uprisings in the territories, it is a
of kids opposing the Israeli Army. They send their children to do
their dirty work.

Ah, "when you see news coverage". By Jayson Blair? Janet Cooke? Judith
Miller? Or the Newsweek editors who darkened O.J.'s face?

No, I'm refering to NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, etc., etc.

Try living for 38 years under military occupation. At this point,

There are all kinds of military occupations. Certainly the USA
occupation of Japan and Germany was not the same as the German
and Japanese occupation of the countries they occupied. The
Palestinians who obey the law and do not engage in terrorism do
not fear for their lives.

Tell that to the grandmothers whose homes are destroyed.

The Nazi's did much worse.

Godwin. Plonk.

What is this jibberish?

By the way, it was the British that
instituted the policy of destroying the homes of terrorists.

As it was Irgun (David Ben-Gurion and Menachem Begin's cute little club)
that instituted the policy of bombing hotels.

might prefer that they take the families out and shoot them like
the Germans did in WWII.

Double Godwin. Double plonk.

More jibberish.

Well, I'm glad you are not determining our foreign policy. Why
don't you pick on a more deserving country, like France?

At least France supplies us with quality food and beverages.

Well, I suggest you move there and join all the other European Israel/Jew haters.