Thread: Bassholes
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Shortwave Sportfishing
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Default Bassholes

Yesterday evening, I had the company of two great neighborhood kids,
10 year old young man and his 9 year old sister on a pan fishing trip
to one of the local ponds. As it happened, I was getting the
Princecraft ready when they rode by on their bikes. Next thing, I
called their folks, told them where they would be for the next couple
of hours which was agreed to readily - couple of hours sans two very
precocious kids sounded just peachy keen fine if you get my drift -
wink, wink, nudge, nudge - say no more.

We arrived and started out great - caught some nice sized crappie and
sunnies and were having a good time when along comes Mr. Basshole
and his twin The Other Mr. Basshole.

This pond we were fishing, at best, is less than two hundred yards
wide in one direction and maybe, 250 in the other direction -
relatively round with a couple of shallow coves at either end. Shallow
with a max depth of 20 feet in two locations - average is around
twelve feet.

After an hour, Basshole #1 arrives in his, I'm ashamed to say it, 520
Ranger with a 250 Optimax, launches, starts his engine (this is a
limited lake - 6 horse or electric) and full throttle right by us with
a little smile and a wave. He was on plane for maybe two seconds.

Then, after fishing the shore for ten minutes or so, starts up and
heads off to the other side - yep, full throttle, etc.

I decided at that point to take the kids for ice cream on the way home
and started back to the launch ramp when along comes Basshole #2 with
a brand new Triton TR-21 with the monster Merc Optimax - same routine.

You just gotta wonder.

And the kids parents were smiling when I got them home - a good time
was had by all - wink, wink, nudge, nudge - say no more.