Bilge wrote:
Nth Complexity:
Bilge wrote:
Nth Complexity:
Examples of this kind of thought abound in physics:
The idea of spontaneous symmetry breaking, a part of the modern
Standard Model of particle physics, says that the laws of physics are
symmetric in ways that the results of particle experiments are not
symmetric in.
There's nothing about spontaneous symmetry breaking that makes it
unique to high energy physics. It happens in a superconductor and
in superfluids.
To explain this apparent discrepancy, the direction in
which the symmetry is broken is allowed to vary from place to place.
It is turned into an asymmetry of the world around us instead of the
basic laws of physics. The trouble with this is that if it is true, we
ought to see places where the direction changes abruptly from one way
to another. These places are called "topological defects," and
depending on their shape, they are known as domain walls, cosmic
strings, monopoles, and textures. Many theoretical physics papers have
been written about them. Yet they do not exist.
Before you offeran opinion, you should learn something about the
Hi Bilge! Topological defects in superconductors and superfluids are
one thing. Show me a topological defect in outer space caused by
quantum fields eh!
Are you saying that noting exists until it's discovered and
someone has a picture to show you, eh?
Some things exist but have not been discovered. But when physicists
say that they know things exist that make up most of the universe but
they have not been discovered, we know they are crackpots wasting our
money eh!
-- Nth Complexity --
-- Have A Nice Day! --
"The teaching of science and mathematics must be purged of its
authoritarian and elitist characteristics, and the content of these
subjects enriched by incorporating the insights of the feminist,
queer, multiculturalist and ecological critiques." -- A.D.S.
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