"chuck" wrote in message
I tend to agree with Larry since the problem occurs on only one band.
Can we assume the radio worked properly until ?? months ago? Were any
changes made to the electrical/electronic system just prior to the
malfunctioning? Has the problem changed over time (e.g., used to happen
rarely but now occurs every time)?
Since the microphones are pretty common, you might borrow one from
another cruiser to confirm that the problem is not with your microphone.
Another possible cure may be to add some ferrites to the microphone
cable, although RF could be getting into the radio via other paths as
well. Do a web search to get some pointers on keeping RF out of your
Of course, you are aware that single sideband will not work well on a
vessel with two hulls..................just kidding.
Good luck.
I agree with Larry and Chuck...since it is only one band, it is probably RF.
Several different length ground tape paths might be the quick fix.
I am trying to convince my boss his trimaran will never work on HF SSB also,
but so far he has had not problems with three hulls. LOL
Doug K7ABX