Well, my attempts at obtaining shoreside communications via one powered-up
point up the mast to this point are stymied (covered in prior posts on the
subject, never resolved). Seems AP (access points, what talks to my
computer) and Bridges (what talks to shore) don't play well together.
My original expectation was to be able to take a single radio, power it, up
the mast, and have it talk to my laptop below, and any hotspot I could get
into, ashore. Such was not to be. Or, at least, not with my configuration
thus far.
Again, the objective is to enhance my strength of communication with shore
hot spots, gateways, APs or whatever else you might want to call them.
Picture you sitting in Starbucks. No problem, right? Now, sit in the boat,
a mile away. How do you get your computer to talk to Starbucks, now??
Assuming it's possible to make enough signal transfer with high-gain antenna
and amplified bridge, how can I talk to that bridge, on the top of the mast,
wirelessly, from below? Is there some single-piece (my prior attempts
included 2 Senao 2611 DB3 deluxe, one each configured AP and Bridge,
connected with XO cable, but they prompted conflicts regardless of how they
were configured) unit which can be put in a weatherproof housing, and have
one or two antennas outside for strength of signal (presuming antennae in
the box would be useless)???
Thanks for any who may know better fora (such as antenna sites?) to place
this query.
A recovering-from-surgery bitch: Please don't hijack this thread with
discussions of ground planes, theory and esoterica. Please address the
ability to achieve the above, only, at least until I can use the computer in
"normal" ways and deal with all the effluvia which sometimes creeps in.
Skip, rehabbing (well, waiting to rehab!) as fast as I can so I can resume
Morgan 461 #2
SV Flying Pig
http://tinyurl.com/384p2 The vessel as Tehamana, as we bought her
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you
didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail
away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.
Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain