Fuel prices and boating
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Shortwave Sportfishing
Posts: n/a
On 11 Aug 2005 15:59:53 -0700,
Have this summer's higher prices for marine fuel changed the way in
which you use your boat or the frequency with which you use it?
Not really, but I've burned through 530 gallons ($1,600) worth of gas
this past week on the Contender running a couple of charters and for
my own amusement. Last year, that same amount roughly $1,150.
When I filled up the six gallon tank on the Princecraft yesterday it
cost me $15. Last year, it cost me $11.
I'm not destitute by any stretch, but I've cut down on speed to
conserve to keep the fuel flow low on the Contender so I guess it has
affected my operating somewhat.
As to frequency, not really, but I'm spending more time making shorter
runs rather than long ones. For instance, if I have somebody who's
looking for stripers, I'll run to areas more inshore than, say,
Martha's Vineyard cutting down on trip times and thus gasoline.
What I have noticed though, and I think this is pretty interesting, is
that my "Gas and Go" program is attracting some attention. I have
more people asking for that option than say a straight trip - even
some of the folks who are regulars with me or my fishing partner.
Talking to some of the local charter types, they aren't exactly
admitting a large decrease in business, but the cost of fuel is
impacting their business - how much so, I can't say because you can't
get a straight answer from these guys.
Around the marina, there seems to be a reasonable amount of activity,
but it's quick runs, not the lengthy runs you used to see.
And the last time I was out at Oak Harbor, the activity was unusually
"quieter" than normal.
Enough info? :)
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