Grady White Quality
For better or worse, usually worse, this has become a common practice on
many boats. I was advised that the shift to sectional railing was done in
response to consumer demand for a wider product line. The sectionals can be
quickly put together on any boat of the fleet from a stock inventory, while
welded members are unique to each vessel type. I'm not troubled as much by
the sectional rails and I am about shortcutting on mounting hardware and
backing plates. At least GW isn't guilty of this yet!
BTW, for my money a plastic through hull is never acceptable. The price
difference is probably less than $25 per boat, less at wholesale rates.
There's not enough volume in any boat line to warrant this type of shortcut.
James Sloan
Saint Simons Island, GA
After looking at several new Grady-White boats, I noticed they do not
have welded bow rails. Instead, they have allen screws. I thought
all top-quality boats only used welded bow rails?
I also saw plastic thru-hulls on several new Pursuit boats.