Home, home on the range.
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
G. Walker Bush - Texas Ranger
February 7, 2004
By David Sirota
In the 1980s, America watched a B-movie actor become president. Today,
In the interests of full disclosure, let's point out that David Sirota is
not even close to being objective. He is an employee of John Podesta's
Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank that geared up about six
months ago apparently for the exclusive purpose of Bush-bashing, and a
contributor to a number of alternative, pop-culture e-zines such as AlterNet
and Popmatters. Sirota is a journalistic hired gun of the first order.
Newsweek, in an Oct 27 article by Richard Wolffe, described Sirota as "...a
wiry, 27-year-old political operative .....stubble-faced, bleary-eyed David
Sirota is already at the keyboard [at 6AM], hacking out a daily barrage of
anti-Bush media clips, commentary and snappy quotes." "...Sirota's
emails...tend to portray President Bush as a bullying huckster..."
Sirota is from Philadelphia, where he was involved in Democrat politics
shortly after graduating from Northwestern. In 1999, aged 23, he was
involved in a legal mess while employed as the deputy campaign manager for
Dwight Evans, a candidate for Mayor of Philadelphia.
Sirota was involved in the creation of a false website that allegedly
libeled John White, Evans' opponent, and portrayed him as racist through
generalizations and misquotes. Sirota set up the website using the name
Brock Landers (a porn star of the time), and the credit card information and
street address of a friend in Cambridge, MA -- apparently without the
friend's knowledge. Sirota was fired by Evans when Sirota's involvement
came to light. No charges were brought at the time because of confusion
regarding internet speech vis a vis the First Amendment.
This is how David Sirota showed the world his character and ethics in his
first professional political effort.
So, this is David Sirota -- the latest in a long parade of rabid hired guns
that Harry would put before us as "responsible journalists".
You decide.