John Gaquin wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message news:c05l85
Of course, virtually everyone here (with the exception of a few of your
sycophantic acolytes) recognizes that you've got the sequence reversed.
Oh, I expect nothing less from the pack of right-wing jackals here,
yourself included.
of the sad facts of mental illness (ask your wife, the supposed
My wife is not a psychologist, supposed or otherwise. Another of your
never-ending erroneous conclusion, eh?
is that the insane or obsessed like you rarely, if ever,
recognize their own affliction. Blather on, my boy -- you are entertaining
to spar with, and ultimately harmless.
I try to entertain, and of course I am harmless. I mean no one harm. You
wouldn't catch *me* egging others on to do posters here harm.
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