Semi-Permanent Onboard PC?
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Dennis Pogson
Posts: n/a
Len wrote:
On 17 Aug 2005 11:46:50 -0700,
Most boaters use laptops for onboard computing, but I want to see
what this group thinks about using a more permanent PC solution?
Thanks in advance for any ideas!
Nice to write this letter to santa...
I want a fanless and solid state pc 512 mB memory, 1 gHz cpu with a
stabilized psu. I want it to be small so I can mount it in a small
I want wifi for hotspot internet acces
I want at least serial ports for connecting :
1 gps
2 ais
3 radar
4 cellphone for backup internet-acces
5 wind/depth/whatever
6 charger/inverter interface)
I want the connections to work optical, no galvanic connections.
I want an USB hub operating on the 12v psu for connecting
hard drive as a external unit
dvd reader/burner as an external unit
digital camera
memory sticks
In stead of at the back of the pc I want "remote" connectors for this
USB hub. I want to mount these usb-connectors in my panel next to my
chart table so I just stick the connector in the built in connector
next to my screen when I want.
I want a soundcard, for my car radio. I want to play the mp3's through
the car radio and I want to record from the car radio/digital tv
I also want mike-input for skype comms.
I want a 17" lcd screen to look at sitting at my charttable, 12 volts
(from the stabilazed psu) I also want a second lcd (15", bright,
rugged and waterproof but reasonably priced) in the cockpit.
Both with speakers built in. So: I want dual video out for both lcd's.
The one in the cockpit via a long vga cable.
I want to connect 2 trackballs, one mounted on my charttable,one in
the cockpit
Well lets leave at this for the time being.
Are you still there ?
Regards, Len.
15 grand should cover it............................
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