Go Figure ---- External regulator, a NextStep
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(Mic) wrote in :
"Yes, it is an external regulator, a NextStep. Which works just fine
with both engines going, it is only when the port engine is running by
itself that it overcharges. There must be a problem with the wiring
somewhere that I just can't find. Also, we have 5 gel cell batteries
and they all seem to be fine."
The batteries are, because the paralleling solenoid is gone, separated.
The reference voltage for the Nextstep regulator are hooked to the
starboard battery bank, so it's looking at that voltage. It's regulating
the port alternator from misinformation from the uncharging starboard
battery bank. As long as the starboard engine is running, the starboard
battery bank is charging and the regulator is happy, lowering the charging
current on both banks, even separated. Turn off the starboard engine and
the charger says, "HEY! The battery voltage is WAY LOW and needs a big
charge!", charging the hell out of everything.
If there are two regulator inputs, from both battery banks, the port input
is disconnected....possible.
Simply adding a big paralleling switch (or a new solenoid even more
appropriate) to put all the battery banks in parallel when any engine is
running will solve the problem without tearing out all the wiring. In
parallel, it doesn't make any difference which alternator or both is fine.
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