Thread: OT Bush hatred
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Default OT Bush hatred

NOYB wrote:
This is precisely the point where DSK has lost all credibility. There are
several reasons why we went to war with Iraq. DSK's conspiracy theory isn't
one of 'em.

"Conspiracy" ?? Hardly. It is common knowledge, and easy for the public
(if they care) to verify. Check the quarterly reports for Halliburton
and Carlyle.

It makes sense to attack another country *IF* that country poses a great
danger to us in the near future.... an overused phrase is "imminent
threat." According to various intelligence sources, Iraq posed a
possible threat, according to others, not so much. BushCo ignored the
more conservative threat estimates and exaggerated the one that said
there was a threat, all to try and justify going to war. He even siezed
the fabricated story about buying yellowcake uranium in Africa. Now over
500 American soldiers are dead, around 10,000 wounded... and over 10,000
Iraqis are dead.

And we are stuck in another bloody quagmire.

But hey, if you get a nice stock option package, it's worth it, right?

Did Clinton stand to make a tremendous profit when he signed the Iraqi
Regime Change Act in 1998?

No, but after spending $60 million dollars investigating Whitewater, the
same gang of chickenhawks that brought us Gulf War 2 decided that a
blowjob was more important.

If Clinton had removed Saddam Hussein from Iraq, he would *only* have
done so with a broad international consensus and coopoeration of the UN.
Instead, BushCo has been a lone wolf and has gotten most of the rest of
the world angry at us.

Yeah, we're a lot safer now. A lot...